Gwendolyn Heaner Portfolio
Selected Writings (Additional Not-Yet-Published Reports/Papers Available Upon Request)
- PPA Year 3 Formative Reviewfor Plan UK,
(G Heaner as Lead Global Consultant / Qualitative Lead), June 2014 - ‘Cultural Heritage Assessment for Nimba Western Area Iron Ore Concentrator Mining Project’, Phase II ESIA for URS/ArcelorMittal, Liberia. March 2013. (G Heaner as Lead Researcher)
- ‘Rapid Qualitative Assessment on Gender and Poverty in Liberia’, World Bank, 2010. (G Heaner as Lead Researcher)
- ‘Effectiveness Review: Raising poor and marginalised women’s voices, Liberia’, Oxfam GB, Nov 2012 (G Heaner as Lead Researcher)
- ‘Pentecostals and Transitional Justice in Liberia’, Journal of Religion, Conflict and Peace, 2012,(Academic Publication)
- ‘Field working Religion in Liberian Pentecostal Churches’, Fieldwork in Religion, 5(2), 2011, 193-206.(Academic Publication)
- ‘Religion, Law and Human Rights in Post-Conflict Liberia’, African Human Rights Law Journal, 8(2), 2008, 458-485. (Academic Publication)
- “Destroying the Destroyer of Your Destiny”: The Role(s) of Pentecostalism in Post-War Liberia’, 2011, (Unpublished PhD Dissertation)